Monday, November 9, 2009

Chrissy From Nadine Jansen

Gli effetti benefici della corsa

With the exception of a few articles that make headlines but it went against all the evidence, we all agree that running is good. But this does not explain nothing. Running is not just good, but feeling good ... and there's a big difference. This feeling of well-being is explained in a variety of interesting effects which leads to a regular practice of running on our bodies and our minds. The race
reduces the resting heart rate, increases the vital capacity of the lungs and the maximum tidal volume while improving the ossigenzaione tissue. The increase in muscle performance allows then to better endure physical strain. Running is also regularize the functions of the digestive system and increases the appetite without giving rise to excess, a healthy sport tends to balance the brain's hunger center, stimulating the demand for better qualità di cibo a discapito di una sua maggior quantità. 

Vene e arterie, poi, per far fronte all'aumento del fabbisogno di ossigeno richiesto dai muscoli si allargano e si sviluppano arrivando anche a dare origine a nuove networks of blood vessels called "anastimotiche", whereby it improves the circulation in all parts of the body. The new networks provide the oxygen supply to tissues even if there were to be an obstruction of blood vessels "traditional", which in practice reduces the risk of heart attack. In addition, the race reduces the formation of lipoproteins responsible for depositing cholesterol on artery walls (known as LDL). On the contrary contribute to the formation of HDL lipoproteins which oppose the formation of these occlusions. The race also plays a beneficial effect against hypertension, diabetes prevents and combats the onset of mental stress because it allows you to download nervous tension. Finally, the most banal observation, but perhaps most important, is that one hour of travel time that is devoted entirely to ourselves, as far as possible away from the daily concerns. This is perhaps the real secret of the race: it obliges us to take time for ourselves ... and "the time spent on it is always well spent."


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