Freddo e acqua
In questa mattina di autunno, dopo un novembre apparentemente caldo e poco ostico se lo confrontiamo con l'anno scorso, mi ritrovo a dover affrontare, spero, una delle poche Sunday forced idleness.
The sky is dark and the rain with us since morning.
This is an excellent excuse to rest your legs.
Last week, the game Sunday with 1000x1000 has collapsed on itself due to work commitments I have taken your breath away.
All this got me started the usual daily training on Thursday. After months of routine
this change has not brought any worse, so it's become an opportunity to rest a bit.
This morning, part of the Florence Marathon, my thoughts go to Mark who with tenacity and dedication to training has been prepared in the past months. An unfortunate muscle problem has locked in settmane earlier. Now it seems all right. We look forward to the outcome of the challenge.
Yesterday I made a great satisfaction within 14 kilomenti. I left home and went to castione and Return via Triasso. a wonderful ride since the climb is not too involved. starting from the highest point pass less than four miles.
From then on it is like a rollercoaster, full of satisfaction.
Of course these things deemed impossible a few months ago.
With the hard work and sweat anything is possible.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Proper Way To Sign A Wedding Card
Un evento più unico che raro: mille persone, che effettueranno di corsa 1 km ciascuno per un totale di mille chilometri…
Si tratta in pratica di una maxistaffetta su un percorso nel centro storico di Bormio, con i partecipanti impegnati ininterrottamente di giorno, di sera, di notte…
L’età minima di partecipazione è di 14 anni (dal 1995 e anni precedenti).
L’unica richiesta legata a motivi organizzativi e di tempistica è che non si può camminare.. Bisogna correre, anche con ritmo blando, ma correre!!
L’inizio the event is scheduled for Thursday, November 19, with the opening ceremony at 11:00 am and off at 12:00 of the first relay.
The arrival and then after the event is scheduled between 16.00 and 18.00 on Sunday 22 November.
The route length of 1000 meters has been drawn in the center of Bormio, departure, arrival and transition area in square Kuerc.
The minimum fee is 5.00 euro: the view that the proceeds covered the cost will be donated to Skiing for Life, a larger percentage are also welcome.
All 1000 competitors will receive a certificate of participation and each of them will have to wear the shirt with the chest which will be delivered before departure.
Be one of the 1000 competitors?
Ask for information in Bormio SPORTS UNION - tel. 0342/901482
After many adventures, hour by hour after checking every little change on Sunday morning at 7:30 am is playing Camilla, the first relay of the group happy to run.
All times
and our time
After surviving the early rising (to 5.30) comforted by the good weather and the company, within the framework of a bormio that is starting to wake up with a sleepy audience but a participant, we gave a great performance average of 4.01 minutes per kilometer.
thank all our friends to the company and we are waiting for the commitment of the second edition book hoping that our coordinator departure times require.
After many adventures, hour by hour after checking every little change on Sunday morning at 7:30 am is playing Camilla, the first relay of the group happy to run.
All times
and our time
After surviving the early rising (to 5.30) comforted by the good weather and the company, within the framework of a bormio that is starting to wake up with a sleepy audience but a participant, we gave a great performance average of 4.01 minutes per kilometer.
thank all our friends to the company and we are waiting for the commitment of the second edition book hoping that our coordinator departure times require.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuck Or Untuck Dress Shirt 2010
Timinata 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009 Sondrio Sondrio
Teglio travel.
22 Km in gran parte in salita.
Una cinquantina di partecipanti.
Pizzocheri a kili.
In bocca al lupo.
La corsa è terminata. Che fatica!
Dopo la foto di rito e dopo una veloce presentazione siamo partiti da Sondrio, piazza San Rocco, verso Poggiridenti.
Il ritmo non era forsennato, tutti sapevano cosa ci aspettava.
La salita dei Pignotti ha creato i primi incolmabili distacchi, da 300 metri si è passati ad una quota di 500 in pocomeno di venti minuti.
Subito dopo sfruttando le energy left, up and down along a 7 km brought us to the last grueling effort.
The climb from Ponte in Valtellina to Teglio are coated with 400 meters to 9 km with very few flat stretches.
I assure you that after the third kilometer of the climb was really hard especially for my tired legs, until then I had run 15 km. Once in
Teglio, the last climb, and here we are.
22350metri away, 600 above sea level in 2 hours and 15 minutes
If it were not for the photos and footage of the instance Cam did not yet believe that I've made.
Sunday, November 15, 2009 Sondrio Sondrio
Teglio travel.
22 Km in gran parte in salita.
Una cinquantina di partecipanti.
Pizzocheri a kili.
In bocca al lupo.
La corsa è terminata. Che fatica!
Dopo la foto di rito e dopo una veloce presentazione siamo partiti da Sondrio, piazza San Rocco, verso Poggiridenti.
Il ritmo non era forsennato, tutti sapevano cosa ci aspettava.
La salita dei Pignotti ha creato i primi incolmabili distacchi, da 300 metri si è passati ad una quota di 500 in pocomeno di venti minuti.
Subito dopo sfruttando le energy left, up and down along a 7 km brought us to the last grueling effort.
The climb from Ponte in Valtellina to Teglio are coated with 400 meters to 9 km with very few flat stretches.
I assure you that after the third kilometer of the climb was really hard especially for my tired legs, until then I had run 15 km. Once in
Teglio, the last climb, and here we are.
22350metri away, 600 above sea level in 2 hours and 15 minutes
If it were not for the photos and footage of the instance Cam did not yet believe that I've made.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Free Doujin Moe Account
Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo - Stralugano
Nice curtain of Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo on Stralugano
Nice curtain of Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo on Stralugano
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sample Donation Request Letter Church Anniversary
Il giorno dopo la maratona
Nice video advertising the London Marathon.
Nice video advertising the London Marathon.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Chrissy From Nadine Jansen
Gli effetti benefici della corsa
With the exception of a few articles that make headlines but it went against all the evidence, we all agree that running is good. But this does not explain nothing. Running is not just good, but feeling good ... and there's a big difference. This feeling of well-being is explained in a variety of interesting effects which leads to a regular practice of running on our bodies and our minds. The race
reduces the resting heart rate, increases the vital capacity of the lungs and the maximum tidal volume while improving the ossigenzaione tissue. The increase in muscle performance allows then to better endure physical strain. Running is also regularize the functions of the digestive system and increases the appetite without giving rise to excess, a healthy sport tends to balance the brain's hunger center, stimulating the demand for better qualità di cibo a discapito di una sua maggior quantità.
reduces the resting heart rate, increases the vital capacity of the lungs and the maximum tidal volume while improving the ossigenzaione tissue. The increase in muscle performance allows then to better endure physical strain. Running is also regularize the functions of the digestive system and increases the appetite without giving rise to excess, a healthy sport tends to balance the brain's hunger center, stimulating the demand for better qualità di cibo a discapito di una sua maggior quantità.
Vene e arterie, poi, per far fronte all'aumento del fabbisogno di ossigeno richiesto dai muscoli si allargano e si sviluppano arrivando anche a dare origine a nuove networks of blood vessels called "anastimotiche", whereby it improves the circulation in all parts of the body. The new networks provide the oxygen supply to tissues even if there were to be an obstruction of blood vessels "traditional", which in practice reduces the risk of heart attack. In addition, the race reduces the formation of lipoproteins responsible for depositing cholesterol on artery walls (known as LDL). On the contrary contribute to the formation of HDL lipoproteins which oppose the formation of these occlusions. The race also plays a beneficial effect against hypertension, diabetes prevents and combats the onset of mental stress because it allows you to download nervous tension. Finally, the most banal observation, but perhaps most important, is that one hour of travel time that is devoted entirely to ourselves, as far as possible away from the daily concerns. This is perhaps the real secret of the race: it obliges us to take time for ourselves ... and "the time spent on it is always well spent."
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Galvanized Metal Bathtub
NY Marathon 2009 inspiration video
# 39's years since you played in the first in New York City Marathon nel 1970. Quest’anno si correrà la 40ª edizione
# 787.927 i corridori che in questi anni hanno tagliato il traguardo della NYCM
# 38.832 i partecipanti all’edizione 2008
# 38.096 i classificati nell’edizione 2008
# 10.471 i partecipanti all’esordio sulla distanza nel 2008
# 40.000 i pettorali messi a disposizione per l’edizione 2009
# 6.800 i runners stimati che parteciperanno alla NYCM 2009 in rappresentanza di 65 organizzazioni benefiche con l’intento di raccogliere 21 milioni di dollari da devolvere a progetti umanitari
# 3.460 gli italiani iscritti alla NYCM 2009, i più numerosi tra gli stranieri
# 2.450 i partecipanti che avranno più di 40 years on race day
# 22 participants aged 40 or over on race day
# $ 800,000, the prize of the 2009
# 127 members at the 1st edition
# 55 arrived at the first edition
# 0 women who carried out the first edition. Nina Kuscsik, the only athlete entered, withdrew.
# $ 171 cost of the breastplate
# 2009 for U.S. $ 231 cost of the bib 2009 for foreigners
# $ 1 registration fee to the 1st edition
# 2:07 '43 "record in the men's race, set by Tesfaye Jifar in 2001
# 2:08 '43 "the time of the winner, Brazilian Marilson Gomes Dos Santos, the 2008
# 2:23 '19 "the time of the first Italian, Francesco Minerva, 26 °, in the 2008
# 2:31 '38" time winner of the first edition
# 2:22 '31 "record in the women's race, established in 2003 by Margaret Okayo
# 2:23 '56" the time of the winner, Britain's Paula Radcliffe, last year
# 2:48 '03 "the time of Italian premiere, Lucilla Andreucci, 25 th, last year
# 12 for men and women who have won both the New York City Marathon and Boston Marathon
# 39's years since you played in the first in New York City Marathon nel 1970. Quest’anno si correrà la 40ª edizione
# 787.927 i corridori che in questi anni hanno tagliato il traguardo della NYCM
# 38.832 i partecipanti all’edizione 2008
# 38.096 i classificati nell’edizione 2008
# 10.471 i partecipanti all’esordio sulla distanza nel 2008
# 40.000 i pettorali messi a disposizione per l’edizione 2009
# 6.800 i runners stimati che parteciperanno alla NYCM 2009 in rappresentanza di 65 organizzazioni benefiche con l’intento di raccogliere 21 milioni di dollari da devolvere a progetti umanitari
# 3.460 gli italiani iscritti alla NYCM 2009, i più numerosi tra gli stranieri
# 2.450 i partecipanti che avranno più di 40 years on race day
# 22 participants aged 40 or over on race day
# $ 800,000, the prize of the 2009
# 127 members at the 1st edition
# 55 arrived at the first edition
# 0 women who carried out the first edition. Nina Kuscsik, the only athlete entered, withdrew.
# $ 171 cost of the breastplate
# 2009 for U.S. $ 231 cost of the bib 2009 for foreigners
# $ 1 registration fee to the 1st edition
# 2:07 '43 "record in the men's race, set by Tesfaye Jifar in 2001
# 2:08 '43 "the time of the winner, Brazilian Marilson Gomes Dos Santos, the 2008
# 2:23 '19 "the time of the first Italian, Francesco Minerva, 26 °, in the 2008
# 2:31 '38" time winner of the first edition
# 2:22 '31 "record in the women's race, established in 2003 by Margaret Okayo
# 2:23 '56" the time of the winner, Britain's Paula Radcliffe, last year
# 2:48 '03 "the time of Italian premiere, Lucilla Andreucci, 25 th, last year
# 12 for men and women who have won both the New York City Marathon and Boston Marathon
White Lumps On Tonsils
Sondrio Triasso S.Anna Mossini Arquino Ponchiera 17K
17k around the fatigue
Parto saying that not everything is as it seems.
Around workout today was created to get used to a distance close to the half marathon in terms of variability of altitude.
It starts at home, Sondrio 303metri. After a couple of kilometers the climb begins to Triasso to 450 meters.
Two kilometers without discounts, of pure sweat and toil.
From there a latch part that by cutting the vines leading to St. Anne.
After losing about 70 meters Mossini climb up to 550 meters.
A flat road with us to Arquine highest point of the day.
From here we are moving towards Ponchiera from which a fast descent that will guide us towards sondrio
Not content midirigo west of the city and return to start.
legs burn, but the burn always, the only relief is that we get a week off.
Sunday 15 will be tough
17k around the fatigue
Parto saying that not everything is as it seems.
Around workout today was created to get used to a distance close to the half marathon in terms of variability of altitude.
It starts at home, Sondrio 303metri. After a couple of kilometers the climb begins to Triasso to 450 meters.
Two kilometers without discounts, of pure sweat and toil.
From there a latch part that by cutting the vines leading to St. Anne.
After losing about 70 meters Mossini climb up to 550 meters.
A flat road with us to Arquine highest point of the day.
From here we are moving towards Ponchiera from which a fast descent that will guide us towards sondrio
Not content midirigo west of the city and return to start.
legs burn, but the burn always, the only relief is that we get a week off.
Sunday 15 will be tough
Thursday, November 5, 2009
How To Feed A 4ft Corn Snake
Avevo voglia di correre
"I wanted to run" is a nice excerpt from film Forrest Gump.
The argument is needless to say the race. Film
born with the intention of telling the story of a normal person who did extraordinary things with innocence. The race is
parte importante del racconto tanto che ancora oggi Forrest è ricordato per il suo impegno in questa disciplina.
Tutto fa brodo, questo video pure.
"I wanted to run" is a nice excerpt from film Forrest Gump.
The argument is needless to say the race. Film
born with the intention of telling the story of a normal person who did extraordinary things with innocence. The race is
parte importante del racconto tanto che ancora oggi Forrest è ricordato per il suo impegno in questa disciplina.
Tutto fa brodo, questo video pure.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sticky Cervical Mucus Day 20
Considerazioni serali
Ore 23.48
la notte sta per arrivare, anzi è gia arrivata..
sto considerando quanto sto correndo, quanto sto camminando, quanto sto nuotando.
in una settimana di sette giorni quasi sempre cinque sono in movimento
qualche anno fa era impensabile
oggi è una costante che mi delizia ed a tratti mi vincola la vita
qualche mese fa Camilla mi disse che "dovevo" andare a correre in una determinata giornata per poter continuare a tenere i ritmi fino a quel momento raggiunti
oggi questi limiti si sono ancor di più assottiliati, vedo margini di miglioramento ma sopratutto vedo che quello che era un gioco o se meglio preferite un impegno che mi ero preso con il mio corpo, oggi è diventato una costante che in determinati momenti ha ritmi forsennati
Invidio Cam che con la sua tabella e che con la sua flemma macina kilometri e kilometri con un obiettivo ben chiaro e distinto
Io non ho ancora capito che cosa farò da grande
Tra due settimane mi piacerebbe partecipare alla "Timinata" che non è nient'altro che la Sondrio - Teglio di corsa o se preferite di camminata veloce.
L'altimetro parte a 300 metri ed arriva a 1000 metri. I Km da percorrere sono 22.
Sono quasi sicuro di non farcela e quasi certo che sarò costretto a camminare.
Non che la cosa mi gratifichi particolarmente, sono una persona a cui non piace tirarsi in dietro, nonostante le avverse condizioni atmosferiche cercherò oltre i miei limiti di dare tutto quello che ho, speriamo di stupirmi.
Il 28 di marzo ho e abbiamo in programma la Stramilano, 21km che dai racconti dovrebbero essere beautiful and colorful. I would make a nice time, I'd like to make a good impression with me.
trust in F & S, toil and sweat.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
How Soon Can We Have Se After Polyp Removed
Val di Togno
we be able to heal.
not to disprove Sunday we went to Valley Togno. Autumn colors, walking with no particular slope, usually sandwich the sample were the ingredients that have made November 1 a day to remember.
We start from Sondrio in the car and go to the flesh, over mountains in Valtellina. immediately after we leave the valley in search of Togni.
After an initial loss of about 6 km along the path led us to the shelter Togno Valley, located in the valley.
The walk has now revealed for the particular beauty of the place and the particularity that the territory acquired in the autumn months.
reached the goal after just over an hour, a nice sandwich and a good night's sleep yet warmed by the sun made a warm autumn Sunday in a nice opportunity to spend a Sunday in the open air.
we be able to heal.
not to disprove Sunday we went to Valley Togno. Autumn colors, walking with no particular slope, usually sandwich the sample were the ingredients that have made November 1 a day to remember.
We start from Sondrio in the car and go to the flesh, over mountains in Valtellina. immediately after we leave the valley in search of Togni.
After an initial loss of about 6 km along the path led us to the shelter Togno Valley, located in the valley.
The walk has now revealed for the particular beauty of the place and the particularity that the territory acquired in the autumn months.
reached the goal after just over an hour, a nice sandwich and a good night's sleep yet warmed by the sun made a warm autumn Sunday in a nice opportunity to spend a Sunday in the open air.
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