Do you remember
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hiv Test Accuracy Three Months
Do you remember
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Trade Pokemons On Mac
Monday, March 14, 2011
Best Big Calf Ski Boot 2010
..E te credo. 'Sticazzi. | | |
And now a quick look at giochillo concerned right to determine what we are missing.
eye .. So not much, I would say .
Princess Starla Songs
Ed ecco che dopo millemila eoni di vita senza vairus di vario tipo, la vendetta dei microcorpi si fa sentire, abbattendo me stesso medesimo a tempo indeterminato, costringendomi a letto o (peggio) al computer o (peggio ancora) alla tv...
In effetti non c'è molto da fare quando si è malati.. non si può leggere o guardare troppi film per via del mal di testa, non si può canticchiare per via dell'assenza totale di voce, non si può invitare mezzo mondo a casa propria perché si finirebbe col contagiarli tutti..
Quello che però si può fare è pensare, progettare, far merenda.. e andare a cercare "malato" on wikipedia and found shocking results ....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Healing Time Ringworm
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Arobics Teacher Costumes
"Go your hands! How many fingers, Go!" |
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Can A Uhaul Fit A Queen Size Bed?
Right Tonsil Covered In White
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Where Can I Watch Brent Corrigan
Friday, March 4, 2011
Miley Cyrus Big Knockers
T anto long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there was an abandoned blog by exactly two months, which is crying out for a bit 'of care and attention. ..
Many believed that the reason why he was so left to himself resided in the mysterious and dubious activities of his creator, for weeks now engaged in the construction of some obscure projects whose outcome still seems possible to escape from a rational logic, as ambitious and dream.
Then why the absence of facts worthy of note due to the commitments and projects up reported, although not listed espicitamente, and basing the official information only on random and voluntary testimony of people close to the person concerned, prevented him from updating his precious and mystical page for many eons.
Once it is clear that the mysterious abandonment of the blog in no time of need, we can only hope that happens soon to reinitiate bizarre events of note, so you never have to resort to tedious formality, leading only to a too much waste of parchment and sealing wax.
What To Write On A Tombstone For Halloween
(leggi l'articolo completo su FILM-REVIEW)
"A chi hai detto MIGNOTTA?!?" |
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Ostatnia Wieczerza Leonardo Da Vinci
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How To Write In Happy Birthday In Bubble Letters
Monday, February 28, 2011
Florence Design Academy Comments
UPDATE: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (si ringrazia sentitamente il viandante Emix)!
Berger Paintcolour Chart
Friday, January 21, 2011
How To Cut A Anarkali Suit
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Dear Esteemed Customer,
You are welcome to VIVA 48hrs LOAN. We are currently giving out loans to any part of the world at 2% interest rate. If interested, Contact Mr. Mayson Scout with the email address bellow Email: or call: +447024053959
We give out loans between £5000pounds and £10,000,000pounds as the case may be. at 2% interest rate. To any part of the world. With a duration of between 1 to 25years.
Also We only give out loans to applicants of between 18years and above. You have to provide the following details about you and your proposal so that i will know how to help.
(Essential fields are marked *)
Prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.):.......
*First name:......................... . ..
*Last name:......................... . ...
*Address:..................... ...........
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*Business name(If Any):...................
*Loan Amount needed:......................
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Phone:....................... . . .......
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In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms
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your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Mayson Scout
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Home Depit Welding Goggles
Good evening,
I'm writing to let you know i lost my black and grey shoulder bag and a dark brown leather jacket. The bag contains books, diaries and block notes (between these, a black moleskine with a yellow star o the front, WITH PERSONAL INFORMATION INSIDE, on the first page.), a mobile phone and its recharge wire, some postcards and a camera with its case.
I was travelling from Victoria station (not the gatwick express) Trough Gatwick, I get off at the third/fourth stop (Gatwick airport), and I forgot the bag and the jacket on the train. Now I'm in Italy, but I even got the possibility of contacting an english friend of mine, who can withdraw the objects at the lost property office.
Please i'm waiting for further information to solve this problem. Can you contact me or send me objects to my italian address?
Thank you for your help and service,
Marco Mancia
Dear Marco Mancia,
Thank you for your lost property enquiry which has now been processed by the Lost Property Office (LPO).
Your enquiry is very important to us and will be examined and compared to the property arriving at the LPO for a period of 21 days after your loss. Experience has shown that this is the optimal time period for property to arrive in our office.
In the event of a possible match occurring, you will be notified immediately, otherwise at the expiration of the 21 day period you will be notified that no property has been found which matches your description.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Transport for London Lost Property Office
We have checked our records and unfortunately we have been unable to locate your bag or jacket within our department, you may need to contact the Trains Lost Property on 0208 6666902.
Gatwick Lost Property
Thank for your enquiry,
We appreciate you taking the time to contact us. I am sorry that we are not able to provide a full response at this time. We aim to respond in full to your enquiry within 20 working days.
Thank you for taking the time to contact Southern.
Yours sincerely,
Southern Customer Services
Dear Marco,
Thank you for your enquiry, as of 22/12/10 your item has not been handed in to us at victoria station. Your reference number is 4496. It is not unusual for items lost on the train to take 2-4 weeks to get delivered to us.
Kind Regards
Victoria Station Lost Property Office
Dear Mr Mancia,
Thank you for your email dated 10th December, 2010 and I apologise for the delay in response.
All items left on Southern trains and found by our members of staff are taken over to our Lost Property office at London Victoria. Hence, you will need to contact them to check if they have found your missing items or not.
The reference number for the shoulder bag is 4866, and the one for the jacket is 4867. The contact number for the Lost Property Office is 020 7963 0957. Please call in to Lost Property and quote the reference numbers. They will then be able to tell you whether they have your lost items or not.
I hope this helps.
Yours sincerely,
Southern Customer Services
Dear Mr Mancia
Thank you for your enquiry about Lost Property.
We regret to inform you that we have no record at the Lost Property Office of your property being handed to an official of Transport for London.
Yours sincerely
Transport for London Lost Property Office
Dear Mr Mancia,
Just to confirm that your item has not been received at our London Victoria lost property branch as of 04-01-2011. We will retain your details on our system for 30 days as some items may take a while to be handed in.
Kind Regards,
Victoria Station Lost Property Office
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Bell's Palsy Is A Mini Stroke
I write I'm here and I still out of breath after a year so intense and crazy ..
Detto questo, vado ora a ricordare i momenti salienti di quest'anno appena trascorso, e che è stato finora quello più decisivo, più terribile e più grandioso.. quello in cui ho conosciuto più persone, quello in cui si sono iniziate a formare concretamente le più profonde fondamenta I want to do to "grow up", the one where I lost some of the things dearest to me and where I found other things and people that now even more than those lost .. the year in which all (or almost) has been questioned, in which my flaws came out more than ever, they have dropped many of my illusions ... The first year does not end completely positive as a fairy tale, but in which negative events clashed with the positive until the last moment, as in a more realistic tale ...
But first things first: 2010 was the year when many things are over, one of these schools. Although I have yet to graduate, the university routine si è definitivamente conclusa.. è finito il tempo in cui si salterellava beati e spensierati (???) tra i corridoi dell'ACME...
..ed è anche finito il tempo in cui ci si svegliava tutti i giorni per prendere al volo una vecchia carovana che ci portasse fino alla città del puzzo.
Ma anche un'atra cosa è finita, quest'anno, e meno felicemente della scuola. Una catena che mi sono inavvertitamente portato dietro per quasi cinque anni... forse era meglio se la lasciavo cadere in terra prima, ma almeno ora ho la certezza di essermene liberato del tutto, anche se cadendo si is torn off a piece of me. Yet when I shot this photo, a light of hope I had it again ...
year then something happened .. a strange, crazy thing .. a page of superfluous social network that begins to grow, grow and implement them to excess, against all odds ... One of the most fundamental roots of the future of my "profession" (in quotes because it will not be at all, being neither more nor less than a passion, art) .. Thousands of fantastic people who find the time to comment, criticize, appreciate, discuss and chat about art and issues at all trivial and obvious.
One of the most bizarre and absurd this year was the HJF, a spectacular day, the most hot and sweaty for millennia, in which we enjoyed, shocked, deceived, disappointed, wet, teased and deafened by music, beer, climate, and American rockers crazy clowns ... This picture shows a silent crowd, expressions, and colors that represent exactly what he was going to happen soon.
And now I show you a picture more representative of this year, taken with the phone the morning after my birthday party, just woken up from a night in the open. Maybe you will not say nulla, ma per me è un riassunto perfetto dell'atmosfera e dei sentimenti e sensazioni di quest'anno.. una sorta di malinconia, che non è propriamente tristezza ma è melancholia : "la gioia di sentirsi tristi", come diceva Hugo, con in più un pizzico di speranza.
..e pensare che poteva essere un'estate bellissima, piena e spensierata... ma sempre per colpa di quella vecchia catena arrugginita è stata sì felice, ma piena di pensieri, preoccupazioni, speranze che erano solo illusioni, che non hanno portato a granchè... E l'unico sfogo che potevo avere in mezzo a tutti queste turbolenze era music, always and only the music .. because words are unnecessary, the consolations wasted, when you discover that the thing I want most is not aimed at you.
It will be a case or not (most of the second tranche), all the worries and thoughts have exploded in the midst of a great day of music and art (under the bell tower ..) , that has probably cushioned the blow. This image is taken right from that day, and is a magical place that I discovered this year, apparently a little bar any, but in fact a wealth of ideas, where dreaming comes naturally.
Despite all the fuss is psychological, is not no time to smile .. for the examinations passed beautifully, for the time spent with friends, to absurd comic situations that now I'm not here to tell, for the now familiar and traditional festivals RB (here we see an image of Halloween) ...
.. and happy for an evening of unexpected, almost an echo of what happened a year ago ..
By the way, was really a year III & IV, but I have several rebukes from me .. prima di tutto quello di ricordarmi di usare la testa, dovunque io vada, qualunque cosa io faccia, perchè è solo colpa mia se la più importante raccolta delle mie idee, schizzi e ispirazioni ancora si trova (insieme a molte altre cose) in una borsa su un treno, chissà dove, nella rete ferroviaria londinese... spero solo di poterla riavere, un giorno, con tutto il resto...
A questo punto, c'è solo da dire che l'anno si è concluso davvero bene, con l'ormai tradizionale festa a bagneri, cenone con tombola e guerra di tappi, falò dell'anno vecchio, fuochi e discoteca, sperando (per me e per voi) in un intero nuovo anno felice e scoppiettante come le ultime ore del 2010, che è now only a memory.