"I do not know if he loves me or not ... help!" It's called empathy
5 years we are together, I'm 23 and he was 26 .... and when we got together
we were both virgins for him .. so I have been the first time and he
for me
1) I said I love you of her own
will only after making love ... in fact I specifically say you love me?
I say it makes hips and after I love you ... but at other times when I ask if I love or do
test fun couple and love on the internet
always tells me that for him the love in general does not exist But the important thing is that we find
well together even though sometimes I nn bears and wants some changes
attitudes (but that is normal in all pairs), however, we understand first nn
say you love me then that the love No there? bo "
post-coitus. He could either tell you that his cousin Padre Pio is also like that worships Satan.
"2) sexual desire is the same at the beginning, indeed it stirred even more than before
You see that you're a video game with many levels.
Responds to number 2."3) CE was a period that fell in love with another but
told me that even though sometimes it would go back singles to be more free, he wants to stay
cn me and never betray me for my respect and want me to Cause I
suffer ... but when I told him to feel more nn did his own thing
, saying that such was only a virtual friendship and otherwise went so badly cut
a friendship but in fact they have never done anything that cn sn
physically ... not even exchanged cell numbers "
"4) When I asked him a break because of this girl he fell in love (but she did not) ... he wanted to take a break nn because he was afraid of losing (or to be alone?) "
"5) dice aver smesso di essere geloso cm una volta perchè sennò ci stava
troppo male ,infatti ora fà il menefreghista cm ha detto anche lui"
Semplicemente informazione corretta.
"6) non mi ha mai tradito anche se dice che gli piacciono un sacco di
Verba volant, augellus futtent.
"7) quando sono depressa mi viene vicino per consolarmi"
Ri-risponde alla numero 2.
"8) .. but when I tell you you do if I died? Tells me that is bad if it happens
and falls into depression after a while, but must then make a new life .."
The King is dead, long live the King
"9) by a test on the Internet to the question: if you go back you say you
rifidanzeresti cn cn me? And he once resp
when he was infatuated with that of the savings if he went back chat nn do a story and now has serious
resp .. I think so! "
Go to step 13.
"10) quando stò male si preoccupa e mi sta vicino"
Per poterti ruttare ti amo nell'orecchio.
"11) ogni piacere che gli chiedo tipo mi prendi l acqua oppure mi passi
il libro lo fa"
Questi sì che sono gesti d'amore!
"12) certe volte mi rinfaccia le cose del tipo io ti cucino sempre oppure ti
ho pagato la cena"
Un gentleman!
"13) cn yesterday we went out this chat and a friend of ours
luca, I noticed that he was almost a little jealous and annoyed that she spoke with
luca nn l and that she has not seen anything I salutato.poi
ke nn I like it .. ke she first arrived he was anxious for her to come every 10 minutes
asked me the time and was also happy knowing that I was pissed off
(In fact you could see that since I was then noted she nn c
Acava miss smear started talking bad about her but at the end of the type of accounts
nn is a grankè, is too superficial ... "
But the horns only in the ports Christmas per cammuffarti da renna, oppure sono in dotazione tutto l'anno?
"14) abbiamo molto parlato del nostro rapporto ma mi sembra sempre che mi
racconti mezze verità anche se io lo imploro di dirmi tutta la verità ...le sue
mezze verità sono : non è vero che mi sono invaghito di questa , non stò cn te
solo per paura di rimanere solo sai quante ne posso trovare (oh lui nn è tanto
bello,è un tipo ) poi anche te cm fai senza di me...ecc ecc"
Riprende la numero 6.
E la regolare manata sulle chiappe al posto di un ciao, come stai?"14) non mi telefona , non mi manda piu messaggi , nn mi dice mai che sono
bella (solo ke bel ****) e poi dice che tanto ci vediamo tutti i giorni nn ce ne
è bisogno"
"15) dice non cè bisogno di farci le coccole fuori te li faccio a casa ,ormai la
fase di corteggiamento è passata"
Infatti, fuori le fa solo all'altra.
"cmq non ci capisco nulla , ne abbiamo parlato mille volte ma se mi dice
mezze verità nn si risolve ke anything you think? "
Blend all the answers I gave you, and a balm made of deer.
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