More than a post, this is a photo gallery .. But what, more pictures, can be used to describe a week away from home in one of the most fascinating capitals of the world?
last part is: it was a need so strong as to be almost physical .. the air was too heavy, and the walls of the house too tight, to be able to stay much longer, and the view of the medium that would take us as far as possible that could not cheer immediately, and let me dream of a lifetime flying around the world ...
last part is: it was a need so strong as to be almost physical .. the air was too heavy, and the walls of the house too tight, to be able to stay much longer, and the view of the medium that would take us as far as possible that could not cheer immediately, and let me dream of a lifetime flying around the world ...
One of the first things to note in London (and England whole, I presume) is the food. Or rather, the not food .. Because the place where we ate a better Italian restaurant, the miticissimo 'Casa Mamma' .. for the rest, we survived a MacDonald's, Burger King, Pret a Manger (see photo), Subways, and the like, all good filth of a land that does not know exactly what it is to sit at the table ..
But in compensation to the kitchen, there is to say that London is really a wonderful place .. for the monuments, people, atmosphere, style and vitality, which is very rich .. A city of our much larger Italian cities, but definitely more livable and comfortable.
Here is a view of the Thames, Big Ben and our friend the seagull Octavian, who came to greet us whenever we approached the Thames fucking.
Here is a view of the Thames, Big Ben and our friend the seagull Octavian, who came to greet us whenever we approached the Thames fucking.
And what could be better than a surge of hundreds of meters, to observe a little chilly from London higher? A good half hour to slow climb, and the night view of the city is breathtaking ..
.. there is also to take into account that the weather was very kind to us, and even the coldest days were followed by warm nights. .. hm .. o.. least wet .. and the dripping condensation that gave us a good morning every morning at the hostel was its clear demonstration ..
The evening at Camden Town was curious and fascinating .. for people, roads, premises .. Three colored birrozze the World's End, good music, and lots of strange people.
But then one day, without a minimum notice appears in any of the underground train in London, he, BOVI !!!.. say that because that guy was just someone who resembled him, a double, it would be very simplistic ...
Not being able to take pictures in museums that we visited (and still could not post all the ones made here) I thought this could partly sum up everything .. Venus of stracci, tanta bella storia, tecnologia e arte classica, contemporanea e moderna, una montagna di opere, reperti, manufatti e testimonianze provenienti da tutto il mondo alimentano l'enorme ricchezza e magnificenza dei musei di Londra, tra i più grandiosi e ricchi del mondo...
Tutti che parlavano di questo Starbucks.. Sinceramente preferisco un cappuccino al cafféttino...
E come non citare, tra le bellezze della città, il Tower Bridge.. Maestoso e affascinante, qui in tre scorci: il primo, per intero, with the high cost of Octavian the gull, the second angle is particularly beautiful in the third, inevitable, one of many components of the crack of caramelized hazelnuts, known gangs in London, that sooner or later acquire power through the money of tourists, and overthrow the system.
When a poor Biella wanted to make a phone call, but discovered that the car used by him was mostly used as a latrine ...
Here l'infinita scalinata che porta nel sottosuolo della stazione della metro più vicina al nostro ostello (e ovviamente l'unica senza scale mobili), che con un po' di fatica abbiamo superato...
Ciò di cui non ho ancora parlato è la bellezza dei parchi della città.. oltre a essere molti e enormi, sono dei veri angoli di paradiso: volatili di ogni specie, scoiattoli, piante, laghi e laghetti, luna park e passeggiate in mezzo al verde che rendono umana e serena la vita in una così grande ed affollata città.
course we we enjoyed the beautiful nevicatina of the 'last' day, the illusion that the next night we slept in our beds in the warm Italian .. But no! And here are two quick shots that sum up the devastation and the madness of having to spend almost three days in a cold cruelly lit airport, which seems to be built for us all, but really everything but sleep.
... but I would say that the budget of the adventure is really positive, and of course my dear fellow travelers have contributed to make this .. We have learned many things, many tricks of the trade the traveler, and certainly this was not the first in a long series of trips around the world, because .. how can we say about ourselves, if we do not know a fraction of the immense family to which we belong and we have not seen anything other than a corner of the immense house in which we live?