- wei! who's here!
- come stai?
- massì non c'è male!!... te?
- mah guarda.. non proprio bene
- come mai? che c'è?
- beh tutto sommato va tutto bene... ma c'è qualcosa che... non so.. pensavo fosse facile, invece non lo è affatto... pensavo fosse semplice, invece devo ricredermi
- .........
- ci sei ancora?
- yes sure .. I was wondering what it is ..... ?
- oh well you know what it is ... is that I do not know .. for so long you're happy and pleased ... and then suddenly a weight that you have hidden for years, reappears there, more infamous than ever, to oppress with no way out ..
- but I am sure that will not last long .. by the end they are just passengers, these moments .. it's nothing serious, no?!
- no, well, the world is much worse than these, which ultimately are just useless Saw mental .... but ..
- but?
- but I'm afraid.
- I'm afraid this is yet another illusion, which is the umpteenth time when I must resign myself to not being able to change the facts, it can not change people ...
- but shut up, you always an ass scary, you should be alright ...
- you're right ... but this time I'm afraid, I told you ... I deluded too much, too fast ..
- look, I tell you one thing: there really is a crowd of people who would like to have what you have, do what you do, you live what you've been living ... And if you go wrong once (not that I necessarily said it should go wrong ..), I am convinced that you can do it, can get up without fuss, as you have always done ... and you know with the help of those ..! certainly not my only!
- you know .. I have always helped him .. I fear only that whatever happens next will be a mere shadow of what could be if ...
- se, se, se... fottitene dei se! Non ti dico di vivere alla giornata, ma metticela tutta, e prendi quello che viene, quello che non sarà non sarà, e quello che sarà sarà!!
- vorrei essere ottimista come al solito.. ma mi sa che stavolta ho sbagliato a dissotterrare una bestia così grama... vedremo vedremo....
- dai su devo andare ora, fatti forza e smuoviti un po', eh!
- lo farò! (:
- buonanotte!!
- se se magari..!! ho una relazione, da finire..!
- beh allora.. buona relazione!!! (:
- ne dubito!!.. adieu
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